Hurdygurdy Area

The climbs in the Hurdygurdy Area require a lengthy approach and exist high on the buttress on Hurdygurdy Mountain. The routes consist of long moderate grades and when in good conditions, this approach is worth the effort.

Take the Eagle River Road for several miles up the valley until one gets to the end of the road at the Eagle River Nature Center. Pack up your stuff and hit the trail directly behind the Nature Center. Hike on the main trail for for approximately 2 miles to near Rapid Camp. Hike down to the river, head up river for about a half-mile, and take the hard to find trail past the narrow section of the river or just start climbing uphill to these visible climbs across the river. The approach is steep and time consuming to the base of these climbs.

alert icon ALERT: A fee is required to park in this lot and can be paid in a box near the door of the Nature Center.

forum link iconSee latest posts on ice conditions in the area.
