was officially launched in 2005 and is the site built by ice climbers for ice climbers in the Last Frontier. Our mission is to provide a medium where climbers can share useful and accurate information on ice climbs within Alaska so that sound and intelligent decisions are made. We strive to promote an open and cohesive community between climbers of all abilities that will foster social respect and environmental responsibility.
If you have questions about the site, want to share beta on a climb, or you just want to talk ice climbing, please feel free to contact us.
Chris Lindsey
Burrell Lindell Nickeson
Seth Adams
Chris Bailey
Richard Baranow
Sean Bemis
Jeff Benowitz
Nick Betancourt
Mat Brunton
Andrew Burr
Ben Chriswell
Jon Cobb
Opie Combs
Tim Cronin
Roman Dial
John Ellinwood
Dustin Eroh
Tim Farr
Matt Faust
Mark Fleenor
Ty Gaenzle
Margie Goodman
Paul Guzenski
Young Ha
Ryan Hokanson
Neil Huddleston
Seiji Ishii
Steve Job
Zac Jacobson
David Johnson
Ryan Johnson
Tyler Johnson
Cash Joyce
Marcin Ksok
Jason Leach
Cullan Lester
Dale Lewis
Ben Lieber
Chris Lindsey
Luke Lohmuller
Dave Lucey
Gabe Lydic
Jayme Mack
Kyle Manger
Brian Maracle
Alex Marban
Travis McAlpine
Michael Meyers
Dano Michaud
Dave Miller
Jason Moncrieff
Hans Neidig
Eric Newland
Burrell Lindell Nickeson
Wade Nooy
Kaleb Notte
Joe Nyholm
Tristan O’Donoghue
Shane Ohms
Bjorn Olson
Scott Rader
Mark Rieger
Chris Roach
Greg Rotkowski
Adam Sander
Jeff Sands
Joel Schihl
Pat Schmalix
Ryan Shackleton
Bob Shelton
Ryan Sims
Sherrie Soltis
Kristen Sommers
Cindi Squire
Ben Summit
Matt Szundy
Heather Szundy
Brian Teale
Austin Thayer
Ian Thomas
Carl Tobin
Scott Visscher
Sam Volk
Forrest Voss
Mike Weber
Grant Wilson
Brett Winterbottom
Riley Zappen
Noah Zogas