Home » Ice Guide » Southcentral Alaska » South Anchorage » Portage River » Indecision
Rating: WI3/4
Length: 250 meters
Indecision is a long climb that is 750+ feet in length. Pitches are broken by flatter areas where a hike or solo on easy ice will gain the next vertical pitch. Be aware of the dense alder bushes in between vertical sections. Antibots for your crampons can be useful for periods when snow covers the low angle aspects. In addition, water seems to run down this climb no matter what so be prepared to deal with wet ropes.
FA: Peter Sennhauser & Charlie Head, 1980
Anchor: Many alder bushes exist on the route to set up natural protection for rappel stations.
ALERT: Understand that if you walk on the train tracks you are trespassing on Alaska Railroad property. Portage area weather can be drastically different than weather in Anchorage. Avalanches can and will happen. Know your surroundings and be aware of current conditions.
Park at the railroad depot station on the Seward Highway just north of the Portage/Whittier turnoff. Just south of the depot the train tracks split with one set following the Seward Highway and another set turning left into Portage Valley. Hike the left set of tracks for approximately 30 to 40 minutes or until you see the climbs on the left. Hike approximately 20 minutes across frozen wetlands to the base of the climb. Be aware of open water and often deep snow.
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