Rating: WI2/3
Length: 20 meters
This is the first main route of the Five Fingers area that is the left most pillar. Even though it is shorter than most of the others, this route does provide some steep terrain for those willing.
Anchor: Rap from trees or alders.
Lat: 60 47.417' North
Long: 148 54.101' West
Take the Portage Valley Road off the Seward Highway as if going to Whittier. A short 5 minute drive will bring you to a point where the road crosses a small creek. Immediately after the creek crossing take the right-hand turn. If snow levels are high it is common to find a small, plowed parking area. If low snow levels exist take the obvious dirt road back into the trees to the base of a large avalanche chute. The climbs are located to the west of the avalanche chute approximately 250 feet above a small creek. Hike to the base of the climbs.
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