
Given the right conditions, the area around Whittier is home to numerous ice routes. However, like Valdez, the area is prone to heavy snow fall, warm temperatures, and often rainy weather. Before going it is recommended you know avalanche situations and you pay attention to the weather. If venturing to the area in early season, make sure the routes have had adequate time to freeze.

To get there from the Seward Highway, take the Portage Glacier Road to the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel (aka – Whittier Tunnel). Pass through the tunnel (see Whittier Tunnel for schedule and fees) and continue straight to Whittier. Just past Whittier Creek turn right to cross three sets of railroad tracks. Continue driving up the hill past the run-down Buckner Building then take the first right. Continue driving to the end of the road or until you see the Horsetail Falls Trail sign, which is just before the gate that may or may not be locked. Park at the gate and continue up road to the beginning of the trail, which largely consists of a narrow boardwalk. Depending on snow levels, the boardwalk may not be easy to locate. If unable to locate the trail, simply choose the best route and continue hiking approximately 30 to 45 minutes back to the valley until the climbs come into view.

Whittier Sign
Whittier 1
Firing Line