Rating: WI3
Length: 50 meters
This is the right most formation that consists of bulges and can be more difficult and consistent than it’s neighbors.
Anchor: Rap from trees or alders.
Lat: 60 47.417' North
Long: 148 54.101' West
Take the Portage Valley Road off the Seward Highway as if going to Whittier. A short 5 minute drive will bring you to a point where the road crosses a small creek. Immediately after the creek crossing take the right-hand turn. If snow levels are high it is common to find a small, plowed parking area. If low snow levels exist take the obvious dirt road back into the trees to the base of a large avalanche chute. The climbs are located to the west of the avalanche chute approximately 250 feet above a small creek. Hike to the base of the climbs.
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